This quick and easy recipe for rich chocolate treats comes from Faith Durand, Executive Editor of The Kitchn, from her book Bakeless Sweets. They have...
Combining cookie dough with rich chocolate brownies will give you a new twist on your two favorite indulgences. The raw cookie dough does not contain any...
Brownies in a jar. Dry ingredients are layered in the jar starting at the top of the list right down to the bottom of the list. This makes a great gift...
Not too dense, not too cake-like, these brownies are a step up from Sam's, BJ®'s or Costco®'s brownie bites. The consistency is perfect and the sea salt...
Babycakes NYC is a bakery in New York City that specializes in allergen-free treats. Cofounder Erin McKenna shows Martha how to make brownies that are...
These are slightly fudge-like but almost cake-like brownies made with semisweet chocolate and buckwheat flour. The texture and flavor are surprisingly...
This is a great recipe for people who are vegan or just looking for a desert that tastes good. You can replace the sugar entirely by doubling the amount...
Packed with protein, these brownies fill you up better than the real thing and taste just as good. Surprise yourself, and your friends, with a healthy...
These brownies have been a favorite in my family since I was a small child. Because they're so popular, I usually double the recipe. Great with chocolate...
I needed a special dessert but couldn't decide what to make. This dessert was born of my favorite flavors: mocha, cream cheese, and chocolate. I promise...
These gluten-free, egg-free brownies are divine! If you love chocolate and want all the taste of a brownie but none of the problems of wheat and eggs,...
What's gooey on the inside, crackly on top, and supremely delicious all over?Our fresh take on this crowd-pleasing dessert. Unsweetened chocolate and brown...
Mini chocolate coffins embellished with royal-icing flourishes offer a suitably final dessert course for any Halloween feast. Photocopy each of the coffin...
I was wondering if I could use PB instead of egg in brownies. I couldn't find much online, so I came up with my own. I worked with my favorite brownie...
This recipe uses a pre-made mix that keeps for several weeks at room temperature. Add the following ingredients to the mix to make Brownies. You can look...
This stripped-down recipe for brownies requires almost zero technique, and uses only cocoa powder to achieve a dense, chewy, very chocolaty treat. Top...
Fudgy chocolate brownies with a delicious swirl of sweetened tahini. These squidgy brownies are rich and delicious and perfect with a scoop of ice cream....
This are the easiest and most delicious brownies that I have ever eaten. They are so moist and super quick and easy to make. For best results, use a Dutch...
Have you ever spooned peanut butter out of the jar while munching on a chocolate bar? Next time, try sandwiching ice cream swirled with crunchy peanut...
This recipe came about purely by luck. A few years back, I had to make a last minute dessert for a party. I had wanted to make cheesecake but I did not...